Why does Billy Corgan have to be such an ass? First of all, he's been vigorously beating his dead horse (the horse being The Smashing Pumpkins) for a few years now. His whiny, screeching voice is truly the only survivor left, as Corgan is the sole founding member still in the band.
And Corgan still seems to have a lot to whine about. As H1N1 (swine flu), threatens to resurge as a pandemic this winter, Corgan has suddenly become a expert on the matter. Overestimating the weight of his opinions, he's taking every opportunity to point out how the media is simply creating unwarranted propaganda regarding the virus.
Read this:
I would suggest however that it is possible the virus is not a naturally occurring virus. I have read reports from people who say (as doctors) that there is evidence to suggest this virus was created by man; to call it Swine Flu is then a misnomer, as it really is Swine Flu plus some other stuff stitched together.
Is he legitimately serious? Billy Boy, you're not a doctor, not a scientist, not a journalist, and not even that good of a singer. Nobody honestly gives a shit what you think about H1N1. You can try to salvage what's left with The Smashing Pumpkins, but please stop masquerading as a credible social figure.
In many situations, musicians and athletes are apathetic towards controversial issues, responding quickly with "I'm just a golfer," the phrase Tiger Woods' often replies with when asked a tough question. It's great when people in the public eye care about national problems; it's just the stream of bullshit from ignorant morons like Corgan that we can do without.